The Sparrow
I woke up this morning and heard a bird chirping by my window. I looked out to see a sparrow sitting on the grass searching for some food. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of bread and went and through it out my bedroom window. I got a bit upset when the tiny little sparrow flew away in fear. I quietly stuck my head out of the window and spoke to the little bird who was now sitting in a tree. “Hi little guy”, I said as the bird watched me very intently. “Do not be afraid for I have thrown you some crumbs to eat”. I realized very quickly that the sparrow just did not trust me even though I had obviously thrown him a piece of bread for his nourishment. I pulled my head back in the window and hid myself so the tiny bird would not be intimidated by me. Within a minute he flew back down and began to eat the food I had given him. Let’s be patient with one another as we go through each day trying to understand that we are individuals. The bird is just an example of how fearful we can be at times. You might be reaching out to someone today to help them and they have pushed you away. Never give up for love goes a long way and we all know we could certainly use more love in this world. Patience and understanding with each other goes a long way and will eventually bring peace and harmony in our lives as we genuinely try to understand one another. This is a true story! Think about it! Have a great day!