To My Children
April 6th,2014
I want you to know that I will always have a way of speaking to my children. The world has gone astray and does not recognize me any longer as the Supreme authority. I will have the last say when the days of tribulation are over. I will speak clearly from the Heavens of My Kingdom that reigns Supreme over the universe. I have taken much abuse from mankind and from the spiritual world that has set out to defy me but I am a patient God who waits and watches for each moment in time to reveal myself. I have set in motion a chain of events that will take place and will undeniably prove that I exist. There will be no one who will be able to dispute my existence but they will still rebel against me in the pride of life. The pride of life which I have given them will be their ultimate demise. They will ignore the signs of the times and will end up in the lake of fire with the devil and his followers. My plan was to create man in my image to love me and have fellowship with me but he has gone to worship another god. I will have no other god's before me. I in my humility acknowledge who I Am. I sent my one and only Son to come and show plainly that I Am a loving Father who only wants to save my children from destruction. I will speak plainly through my prophets who give ear to my cry’s. I and only I can save the soul. Life is too short for mankind to take it upon themselves and deny my existence. The ultimate answer to that is destruction because I am that I Am and no man can come to the Father without my Son, Jesus. There is no righteousness in yourself as sin came into the world and will remain until the return of my Son. The world to be will be free from evil and there will be no more tears of sorrow. Wait for me my children and cry out to me for deliverance from all manner of evil. I will deliver your very souls from the enemy who has come to destroy. The destroyer will fail and I will prevail upon my throne for eternity with my children at my side. Come into my Kingdom and remain with me. The world has nothing to offer but sorrow and emptiness. It may seem enticing but it is a trap to keep you from me. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will be with you through every trial and tribulation you go through. You will remain with me forever and nothing can pluck you out of my hand. I love you with an everlasting love that never fails. Love never fails and my love will always prevail. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. It is time for my children to rise up and take their rightful place in my Kingdom and walk with power and authority in Jesus name. You have been chosen and I love you and always will. Keep the faith and praise my name forever.
Your Father