Inspiration For Our Souls
April 29th, 2014:
It's a rainy day today and it just seems a bit gloomy. When the sun is out we seem to feel just a little bit happier for the day. Why is that? The sun represents light and the rain represents darkness. When the sun is not shining take a look within your heart and realize that Jesus loves us. He cares when the sun is shining and when the sun is not. He never changes His feelings for us. We have our own opinion on life and that means absolutley nothing in the scheme of things. It is not that our opinions are meaningless but if we are to follow the leading of the Lord then we need to know how He feels in each and every situation we are facing. Whether the sun is out or not we need to know God really loves me? God is so full of love for you and me that if we comprehended that for just a few minutes a day we would never be the same again. We would feel happy just in that truth alone. God loves me! Yes, He does and He is not about condemning us. He is about healing us from the mess the world has put on us. For today look at how much you are loved by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! It will lighten up your burden of life and you will look beyond the clouds and see the SON!
April 30th, 2014:
We are expecting stormy weather tonight but I am looking beyond the clouds and praising our Lord for his love for us. The future holds no assurance accept for Jesus coming back to straighten out the mess the world will get itself into. I am excited about the return of our Lord. Until He comes back we will have to stick together as brothers and sisters and help each other. We have all been given gifts to use for God's Glory in inspiring and helping deliver us from evil. Do not get so caught up in the storms that you can not see the true beauty of life.
May 1st, 2014:
Today is the beginning of the month and we are looking forward to the nice weather. Spring is here and it just picks up our soul after the long winter. The flowers are starting to blossom so life is coming back to all of nature that has fallen asleep during the winter. We too have to wake up as children of God with a new beginning. The coming of our Lord is sooner than we think. Let us get excited and believe that God has everything under His control for victory over evil. Make this day a beginning to change and follow Jesus no matter what you feel. He loves us now and forever! His Kingdom reigns on this earth and is operating right in front of our eyes every day!
May 2nd, 2014:
The sun is shining today! Amen to that! Remember life has clouds and sunshine and we have to deal with all of it. We are never alone. You may feel lonely today but you are not. Look up towards heaven and see the Son of God smiling upon your face today as He sees what God is doing to bless your life each and every day! You and I are blessed. That is worth a smile for the day. Don't you think so? Have a blessed day in the Lord! If you do not know Him ask Him to show you who He is and rejoice for the Lord will return again! We are waiting Father for our Lord to come! We praise your Holy name and we thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit!
Aug.13th, 2014
What is going on in this world? Evil seems to be raising its ugly head in Iraq and Iran and in Gaza. It is pretty darn scary. What should we do? We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and keep looking up for our redemption draweth nigh. It all has to play out so grab on to the Holy Spirit and get ready for these end times to happen. This truly is the most exciting time in the history of this world and it will never be like this again! Instead of fear get ready for the return of Jesus! There is still time left but not much!
Aug. 14th, 2014
In life there are many things we do not want to do. We have to go through alot down here before we leave this world. How do we get by? We hold our heads up high with the Lord at our side each and every day and we do not take it personal when we fall on our faces because we are human. We try our very best because we love the Lord but when we make a mistake do not hold guilt or allow someone else to slap guilt on you. There is not one person who has not sinned in this life,accept Jesus, so we have no right to point fingers at anyone, including ourselves. As long as you are walking the walk with the Lord you will make it through.
Aug. 15, 2014
I had a doctors appointment today and what he had to do really hurt me! To make it short and to the point I wanted to cry as he probed me with his surgical instrument. Why is this inspiring? The Holy Spirit helped me keep my eyes on the Lord and I took the pain I had to endure with grace and patience. In this life there will be trials and tribulations and the only way to get through them is to allow God to see us through. He always will!
Aug. 16th,2014:
Busy! Busy! I am just so busy! No time to do what I want. All work and no play. What would I do if I had nothing to do at all. Absolutely nothing! Then I would be disturbed that I am bored. What is the answer to this dilema? Praise the Lord no matter what situation we are in and then we will never have a reason to complain about anything. Sounds good to me!
Aug. 17th, 2014
Does life get you down? Why? Because we do not have all the answers so it can become overwhelming at times. I got this a long time ago from the Spirit of God when He told me " when things seem really bad I should keep expecting good things to happen." What was He telling me in that statement? He was telling me that all things do work together for good so be expecting good to come out of every bad situation we go through. Look for the good not the bad in life!
Aug. 18th, 2014
Today is a good day! I feel very inspired by the Holy Spirit. Excitement seems to fill the air as we watch the countdown take place. Fear is non-existant this day as Christ is in complete control. Do we really believe that? I sure do and I am very motivated to shout it from the rooftops that Jesus is the Son of the Living God and something wonderful is about to happen! May the fire and the power permeate our very souls as we praise the Lord on this blessed day!
Aug. 19th, 2014
Let us not give in today to temptations that will keep us bound up in depression. We all feel the pressure of life but the answer is to get out of yourself and put your eyes on the Lord! It is all about Him not us and when we can actually focus on Him we pull out of our emotiions and can be excited about His return! Yes, He is coming back for sure! How do I know that? Because my heart can feel it and my soul knows it to be true! I can not contain my excitement at times because to me praising God is what it is all about. The more I do it the happier I feel. Step out of this world today and into His Kingdom with praise and honor for the King He truly is. You will see the difference in how you feel when you let go of yourself and see Him in all His glory as the creator of the heavens and the earth! God Bless you this day and every day! Keep the faith! You will make it through! He will make sure of it! Jesus!
Aug. 22nd, 2014
The weather is gloomy but I have decided not to focus on that aspect of this day! I will keep my eyes on the Son and know that no matter what I am dealing with this day, He, Jesus will see me through. He will motivate me with His Holy Spirit no matter how gloomy the day becomes. I also choose to expect something wonderful to happen each day of my life. Life is hard enough but when we just think about all our sorrows we stay in a rut and never seem to get out. This life is passing by ever so quickly so we might as well get used to the fact that we will be leaving planet earth at some point and make the best of what we have. You may think you have nothing but that is just not true. Life is everything in the Lord and we should not waste it on sorrow. There is plenty to be thankful for if we turn the tables and see the sun rather than the clouds that are blocking it for the moment! The sun is always behind the clouds and the Son is always looking down on us. Have a great day!